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Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Oct 22 2009, 10:42 AM

You May Say

I have nothing much to do!?
No, sir! I have 2 Midterm Tests and some papers due
But I know there are something more important than those
The moments to think what I can bring to my love

I may not give you all the thing in the world
But I could give you the thing I always treasure
I may not have all the things that you need
But I can be a shadow under your feet

I question myself why?
Waiting stupidilyfor a guy!
Who I was once being in love
But is it still live, or it has died?

How can I describe
One moment you were being so nice
Giving me everything in the world that night
Another day you look at me like a stranger on earth

You may say, you don't want to break my heart.
The dump answer to cover up your thirst
Selfishness, you had walk away
Leaving me alone, on those rainny days

You may have no passion and tears
Because you were born with intellect and fears
Only when intellect dies and without gears
That is when you need me to be near

I don't know if it is love or it is like
I will weep and it will dry
I just don't know how to waste your night
Nor to keep you forever.. until I died.

You may say...what ever... just be kind!
For the dust wouldn't get into my eyes


Writing by: JV

I am writing this
Not necessary you have to see
But it is the love for you and me
To remember, we were once being in love

And if one day, you will never return
I have the love to warm my heart
Nothing will forever last on earth
But I hope my memory will never fade

This is just another day
Writing somethingto keep you in my heart
The thing you may not be treasured
But these moments will live forever

What is Love? by: JV

I seek for love, but I can't see.
I climb up a tree, to find
There is no fruit, there is no guides

I saw an image of a man
Growing and trimming trees
For his lady not to see deaths and fleas

I saw an image of a woman
Giving up her wills and all her guts
For the man that she has been touched

What is love? The question that has no sight
It is a feeling that one has described
Not so much with promises and responsibilities
But it is a thought of understanding and cared

And being there when your loved-one needs!

Life is not just eat, live and die
Life is something that makes us smile
Life is to show some passion and care
Life is not complete when you are not there

Life is not just reasoning and criticizing
Life is something about understanding
Life is learning to listen
Life is to be open-minded to conversation

Life is not being selfish and greedy
Life is something about our productivity
Life is to work, to share, to give its' beauty
Life is an endless love in an open sea

LIFE (by JV)


Someone had told me,
she has nothing and no one to thank for
When Thanksgiving day is openning its' door
I think she has to think again
For all the things that she can:

If one can see, hear, touch, or feel,
Be thankful of your parents for giving this body becomes real

If one can learn, analyze, associate, and discuss,
Be thankful of your teachers for their helps

If one can walk across an ocean of tears and mountain of troubles,
Be thankful of yourself for being very strong

Always be thankful because thing doesn't last very long
So just be thankful before the moment has gone!


One may look for love in the similar place
Other love to find in a different race
Across culture love, has its own taste
For misunderstanding and being discriminated

Love is a ray of sun, very shine
Until, it burns the heart of misleading guides
For your love to becoming insecure
Selfishness cover them in their own cave

Across culture or any ordinary love
Has to go throught the heat of that sun rays
For love to find the truth, "Forever it will live or will fade"
Truth love is hard to find that is what people say.

I am always being touch by the old couples walking along the way
Hand in hand is the precious moment that stays
Forever love is not in the look of one's culture
But in the heart of one's that lives forever!


I wonder why, I wonder how
I feel so warm in your embrace
It feels like home, it feels so close
The relationship that I could have known

Someone had told, love is so rare
It is so hard to find someone that cares
I found the love and I did my share
I wish to keep my promise for just being there

I wonder how, I wonder why
Night is so empty without you my knight
One's love is to make other's satisfy
A sensual touch, a tasty look or a wonderful night

No matter what love is the beautiful key to our human kinds


I heard so many stories and so many fairy tales
Happiness, sadness, adventurous in heaven and heil
Tell me what is the feelings for being loved
Or it is just an illusion people live in their little shell?

I feel the love, but it is no longer true
I feel the love, but now it is so blue
I feel your heart is so close, yet I can not come in
Why did our heart beats have been blocking?

It is ok! To live, to love, and to let it dies
Life has a starting point, and it will come to an end
Wishing you a happy life! Yes, I always can
But why I cannot stop my heart beat for belonging that man

In the end, love can never come true
I'll tell you why, "Love is only a fairy tale!"


I will never forget the sparks of your glances
Make me wonder why they are so shine
I will never forget the hug and the kiss on the cheek
When you said goodbye before the Summer ends

Why did you denial the love you gave
When I was wondering for having that little taste
Mom and Aunty have asked me how was my life?
I told them there was something about this handsome guy

He brought coffee for everybody,
He was being so nice
He gave me a heart-warming-hug
That makes me feel as tasting sugarcane

I will never forget the day we came back
School starts, the Fall is putting on his cast
I was happy to see you in class
With a surprise, you asked, "Anh muốn mời em đi ăn phở."

That is sweet and thoughtful of you
For making me feel so close to your heart
I wish i could, but I was being shy
Also being so busy, that make me think I can't

Friday night, I sat at the bus station
Waving goodbye to my family
You were like a knight, saved my day and my night
We stayed up until the midnight went by

I will never forget how much I want to be with you
But I have to kill that feeling because I was being disgraced
Mommy would hate me for hanging out with a married guy
She scolded at aunty because of that phase

But I couldn't stop thinking of you
The man who had overcome my shadow
I wish to build a home with some cows
For our kids, for our future, and for now

You gave me your hand, make me feel that we can
I was so excited, but everything starts to change
You compare me to and treated me like any other sluts
How can you told your kids not to love me when you said we are a family!?

I will never forget for being nice
What I get is a stab from your knife
I burried my love, my soul and my life
I suffer for loosing my hope with this human kind

But love is to forgive when you say,
"I want to have another chance"
I truly believe we could do it again
But what could we do when our love is like an open shoe?

I couldn't believe how much I hate
The condition you thought for our little wedding cake
My love for you is without any condition
With you, love is just so f-cking

I betray my little self
For sending my body to heil
To find the love you once had told
It was so truthful, but who had casted that spell?

For my love will never can be tell


Life is so magical by having you
Time passed by so quick and so cute
I would never think that it will last
But never say never! That is trash!

I never feel so blue
Missing the love one has become two
So painful to let everything loose
Tears are falling, but I haven't had a clue

Life is no magic without you
My heart is dying and so blue
You can never feel the beat
Because you had someone else you need


I couldn't believe
How broken myself had
So many projects and midterms
But here I am day and nightdreaming

For a broken thing

You wish to escape
I let you be free
Why did we start?
Why does it have to be me?

But thank you very much
For giving me such feelings
Soon everything is going to die
Why fixing and destroying a heart that is already blind


Don't ask me how
Don't ask me why
For the reasons I cry
Just dust gets in my eyes

You should be happy for I could cry
For the love that had died
Just like life without music
Just like day without night

Just don't ask me why I cry


It is already over
I have told my self
But why tears are covered
Who had casted a spell?

The wind had whispered through my ears
The hands that had stroked my hairs
The kisses cover with cheers
Why let it over? Why is it here?

I feel it is already over
The stars are falling
No sharing, caring or understanding
For what? The love that has dying?

I look under a million stars
Find the wish that is not falling too far
Think of our love that is already over
To burry my heart for becoming a stranger


Posted by: netcafe2009 Oct 30 2009, 09:43 AM


Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Oct 31 2009, 10:54 AM

55.gif netcafe2009 to my page and thankyou.gif for the nature-smiley-009.gif

A Joke For Halloween by Unknown Author

A black baby was given wings by god.
The baby asked, "Does this mean I am an angel?"
God laughed and said, "Naw nigga, you are a bat!"

Happy Halloween Everyone!
band.gif bounce.gif 77.gif

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Nov 1 2009, 08:55 PM

We went trick or treat and we had a great time. We came to Partridge Street, and they had a few mazes for us to go through. Adrik really wanted to try, but he was scared. On the third trial, Lisa pulled him all the way inside and through the maze. He was sweating, laughing and telling how scary it was when his snicker bar felt into the monster's face. I really enjoy this Halloween and hope to see more next year.

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Nov 8 2009, 06:32 PM

Đêm về đen đặc, đầy cảm xúc
Bóng đêm thức giấc xáo trộn làn hư ảo
Im lìm bỏ đi điều cảnh giác
Bất lực không kiềm chế nốt nhạc
Trổi dậy trong đêm
Chầm chậm, êm đềm,
Đêm đong đầy huyền ảo
Ôm chầm, cảm nhận, điều rung động dịu êm

Lắng nghe đi và hãy tin
Âm nhạc là hư ảo
Cứng như sét đánh,
Mềm như sáp
Thách em tin vào dạ khúc về đêm
Nhắm mắt để mắt nói lên sự thật
không phải như em thấy
Trong bóng tối, nó dể giả dạng,
Đó là sự thật như em tưởng

Êm đềm, dạ khúc chở che em
Nghe đi, cảm nhận âm thầm dẫn dắt em
Mở rộng tinh thần để trí tưởng cất cánh
Trong đêm tối, em không thể đánh trả dạ khúc về đêm

Hãy nhắm mắt để bắt đầu hành trình vào thế giới mới lạ
Để lại tất cả suy tưởng của thế giới em đã biết
Nhắm mắt lại để âm nhạc trả tự do cho em
Chỉ có vậy để em trở thành của anh

Nổi trôi đi, té đi,
ngọt ngào rất độc địa
Ôm anh, tin anh,
mang lại tất cả cảm giác
Hãy để giấc mơ bắt đầu hàng phục bóng tối
Để thần lực của âm nhạc anh viết lên dạ khúc cho em

Chỉ mỗi em đem lại đôi cánh giúp cho âm nhạc bay cao


Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation
Darkness wakes and stirs imagination
Silently the senses abandon their defenses
Helpless to resist the notes I write, for I compose the music of the night

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor
Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender
Hearing is believing,
Music is decieving
Hard as lightning ,
Soft as candlelight
Dare you trust the music of the night

Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth and the truth isn't what you want to see
In the dark it is easy to pretend
that the truth is what it aught to be

Softly, deftly music shall caress you
Hear it, feel it secretly poseess you
Open up you mind let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness which you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night.

Close your eyes start a journey through a strange new world
Leave all thouights of the world you knew before
Close your eyes and let music set you free
Only then can you belong to me

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication
Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation
let the dream begin let your darker side give in
to the power of the music that I write
The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight Help me make the music of the night

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Nov 14 2009, 10:04 AM

Dear Babe,

As I have said, "Life is precious because we have the moments to learn and to live." I have discovered something so significant that the energy jumps up and down in my heart. My teacher have said, "kids don't toilerate with feedback", and I am so hardheaded that I would disagree with her. I was shocked that all I have learned was wrong. I was being bias as a behavorist adapting their theories of conditioning to positive and negative reinforcements that I almost forgot about the most important roles in life are the attitute and motivation.

You are a true teacher of mine to change my hardheaded thoughts. You told me once about your eating habits, how you would eat all the sweet part of the bread and throw away the plain part. Your mother told you never to do that, but you never listen. After twenty ... years, you are still doing it that way. When ever you do that, you would think about your mother. I am not with you at the moment of your mother responded to you that gave you that negative attitude. With that, I still cannot conclude that kids don't always toilerate feedback, but I see why it is that way.

I draw a different conclusion from all these theories. I still think all livings adapting and conditionning to things to form a habit, but the only thing can change the habit is one's motivation. Words is just a sound and a puff of air that is not strong enough to move a heavy rock. I see a spark of life from you babe. If negative response can never/hardly change a behavior, why people still widely use that useless methods to teach their kids???

When I come to the brother of my friend's furneral, my friend once had told me that she felt everyone has a destiny to reach and thankfully we reach to each other at some points to learn from each others. I was completely agree with her and thankfully we are friend, not enermy. She also told me her brother was released from the hospital because he was feeling better. At that time, he told her that their father came into his dream and told him to come and sleep with him, whom had died 7 years ago. He told her, "Father is waiting for me." She told him not to say those nonsenses, and he will get well soon. Yet his condition got worst, and he passed a way in a week or two. Now they have rested near by each other in the same cementary. I told her that he must have good karmas to see and plan for his death. She should be happy so he can peacefully rest.

It is always sad to see such of things, but life is running its own course. nature-smiley-009.gif nature-smiley-009.gif

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Nov 17 2009, 12:30 PM

Đừng hỏi, "em có là của anh mãi mãi?"
Khi hiện tại ta chẳng là của nhau
Anh quay mặt sao hiểu được nổi đau
Xin đừng hỏi một đôi lời vô nghĩa!

Xin đừng nhớ, xin đừng nói thương ai
Để ngày mai hai người hai kẻ lạ
Xin đừng đến rồi quay về bến lạ
Để vết tình rạn nứt cả hồn tôi

Xin đừng hỏi để tôi vào xin tội
Tội dối lừa lý trí và trái tim
Tội cái thân không biết cách để kìm
Tội ngu khờ nên bị nhiều cám dỗ

Xin đừng hỏi để nhẹ nhàng hơi thở
Chắng vướng sầu với những niềm đau
Xin đừng hỏi để khỏi buồn xa nhau
Sẽ không nhớ vì xa rồi ai nhớ

Xin Đừng Hỏi!

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Nov 26 2009, 08:10 AM

There are trillion things to thank for;

The fresh air, I breath

The clean water that I need

And the delicious food, I eat

Thanks for all the good deeds

Coloring my fingernails and my feet

Buying the things you thought I need

Everything is sincerely with cheer

On Thankgiving, I wish you can be here

To thank with me for all things we have

To give the blessings and promise to behave

For all of the joys and cheers we taste

Thanks for being a part of my journey

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Dec 7 2009, 10:33 PM

When my family is around, I feel so trong that you become a small stream of though went across my mind, but when they all left, your memories invaded my heart and my mind . You are such a ghost that I dare not to think of .. too intoxicated .. sleep well my beloved ..

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Dec 19 2009, 09:10 AM

Tell me why
I had ditched my friend for you?
But you don't see how important you are in my heart.
Tell me why
I was being so stupid for being with you?
Because all I get is a broken heart.
Tell me why
can you let my love die peacefully?
I wish something can be better, but I was wrong.
Love is like a sticker,
Once you had peeled it, it just doesn't stick back on again.
I was being patience to see some changes, I couldn't find it from you.
I change myself to fit in, but you are worthless to fight for
I wept/weep my last tears because you could/can never be near.

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Dec 31 2009, 12:33 PM

My Dear,

As time goes by, I feel the distant between us have grown bigger, broader, wider, and farther. I put my hope to sleep. Don't ask me why I am being this way because I can't do anything different. It takes two to tangle, but if you prefer one. I am still being happy with it. People may look at you as if you are crazy to dance by yourself, but some people may gíve you some respects for what and who you are. I love with all my heart, but it has been broken. It may not be completely heal, but time will cure this infectious disease. At one time I wish this and that, but nothing really matter now. I am not looking forward to see the hopeless life that is all you could give me. I know I could seek for better life than being a crabby ... whatever you may think. You thought you know everything, but you never know how I feel. You don't even know how and what to feel, so how can you have a connection with someone else? You are just a pretender! Thankyou for giving a moment to think of the old time my dear.

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 4 2010, 12:23 AM

My Dear,

One has said "A man won't be a man if there is no woman by his side, and vicer versa for her." I am too old to act like a little kid. Selfishly, I wish to remain forever young, but the force is going against my will power. I was once dreaming to find you, my love, everything was so dearly, but I guess our honey moon was over. We were apart and life just push us back and forth that I can no longer stand the feeling of seeing you walking in and out like that. I was being so selfish that I want you to be mine, only for me. Indeed, love is being selfish like that, all love wants is the caressness, the understanding and the communication, but love can not be satisfy, than, destiny pushes it apart. I don't want to go crazy about love. I want my love to rest in peace, so I work so.... so hard to block you out of my heart, my head, and my life when I found you had your own destiny without me, but why are you doing this to me? Why can you understand how broken my heart and my life has been. There you go! Don't you see my pestimistic side? I only see my half empty cup, and I forget to thank you for rescueing my loneliest days on Earth. I need to learn to grow up and not depending on you, not to cry on your shoulders. Why crying for someone that doesn't care? Now, why do you care? I am so confused in this mess. how can I burry our love, your love, my love? When our destinies will meet again? When will you give up on me? I was so afraid that will happen, but I have to learn my lesson. I have to learn the truth that nothing will last forever, especially the most fragile feeling call love. Keep reminding me to take it easy because I easily forget myself. Why is it that way? Why am I finding a little girl sitting on the bridge watching the waves of the river flow to the ocean but can't release the waves in her heart out to sea? Why am I waiting hopelessly for you? My dear, last but not the least, why are you punishing me this way? What is love? I saw not ask because tommorrow we will soon forget the word. I saw not feel because you cannot show. I saw not .. Well it is too late to keep you in my eyes, so good night my beloved dearest friend. May all your wish come true even if it means to sacrisfy me. love1.gif

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 4 2010, 12:43 PM

HoaTrangTrang có thể copy link nhạc mà bạn thích để vào bài viết. Sau đó nhìn xuống dưới ba`i viết thấy upload rồi xuống thêm 1 chút sẽ thấy Post Options, bạn bấm vào mũi tên phần HTML Off va`chon
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Chúc bạn may mắn!

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 5 2010, 08:19 PM

Let me love you in silence
'Cause words seem to grow and die
I am speechless for how our love binds
I wish you can be so kind
Rescue me out of my lonely life
But you had chosen a different path
I wish you can be my last
But dreams and wishes are glossaries
Don't come near this filthy body
I have been running away from my little self
You caught my dream and we dwelled
But why our love is so complicated?
I can not lie to you nor myself
Because I hope you can be the love of my life
Like yesterday and remain tommorrow
But what happen today is still an unknown fact
Where have you send my love to?
When my day is just so blue
Take it easy.. how much?
Easy on me or on you?
What can I do when one become two?
Why can you just be gone
Let everything remain unknown
Why do we have to go around and round?
Do you know how much I miss you?
Do you know everytimes I do,
I got lost on the streets when I think of you
You gave me the reasons to hate
The tears of sadness that you gave
Why can you make my dream come true?
Or forever throw away my love like an open shoe!
True love has gone over with no clue
I am so lost in this maniac zoo!
I hate to fear when I have no gear
I know you can not be happy when I am near
Because I hate you and all I can give you are tears
Who had taken away my cheerfulness?
I run away from the truth
Because you treated me like a fool.
I hate myself because I can't even hate you, but I do.
But why turning love into hate?
I will forget and forgive those sad days
For my heart to heal.. What can you say?

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 5 2010, 10:41 PM

Am I sending you to heil?
Not me, but the things you fail
I don't love the way you "have" your life
because it is no longer mine.
I seriously don't want to start again
I never want to bother anyone man!
I ran away for so long, but
you gave me hope and why is it so strong?
Should I think of you or should I not?
Let our destiny(ies) be right on the spot
Distintively, you had long gone
Memories can last for so long
I put you on the top of my list
Where are you when I need?
A short term memory, I may stay.
Tommorrow, it will fade.

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 5 2010, 10:53 PM

I found myself in you
Saying the things that is so blue
I found the reasons for clues
Why love fades so soon?

I had no reasons to believe
Because reasons do not have chance to love
Love will soon die
When reasons present in our mind

I will let you be the man of reasoning
and I will keep the heart to mind
Wars will start and who will strike
On the battlefields, my beloved had died

I have to keep my duty as a weak side
For you can be a winner when you roll your dices :)

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 5 2010, 11:03 PM

I only take half of your words
The first half is all your love
Another half is all your hate
Don't be sad because I had thrown it away

Oneday in my scrapbook you will stay
The moments of your childish acts
The moments of your silly facts
And the moments of your craziest rebellion

I am having so much fun
Watching the shows had begun
Tears come for no reason
For the greatest comedian

We had so many moments
One that is so warm
One that is so spendid
One that is so calm

Every storm that came
Make me mad, sad and depress
Because I know you are no longer be mine
Selfishly, I let our love dies

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 5 2010, 11:20 PM

Don't tell me you love me
Because I can not see
All I need to ask of you is
Will you do the same thing I do for you?

I never ask you to be my slave
Nor ask you to be my king
I simply asking for a true love
Be honest from the beginning

Then I realize honestly can be bitter
Thankyou for sugarcoated for me
I wish our soul can always be combined
But life has seperated the treasure that I had found

All I could keep are the lessons we were once being bound

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 5 2010, 11:42 PM

I had to memorize
the lesson of the night
man borns to reason with their mind... to fight
Woman borns to follow their heart .. to be kind
It is not the man who want to act
But the mother nature turn them into the facts

Why would I want to be against you?
When peace is my love
Why wouldn't you give love a chance
Because winning is all you need to gain
Who take away your heart beat?
The luxurious looks can always meet your need.

You are the man indeed
That is all you need
I am a lady for sure
But we can never be mature enough to care..
I have learned my lessons and hope to be there
But why being so stupid and waiting hopelessly..
Why can you let me be free??
Why do you have to be so selfish??

Why are you doing this to me? How can I not hate you?

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 6 2010, 09:33 AM

HTT me^'n,

Vi Xứ nói lộn, bạn nhìn phía dưới bai hat co' option link nhac va` copy va`o blog. Bạn nên select "tự động play" nếu bạn muốn thế rồi bạn copy cái link nhạc ở option "copy vào blog" thì nó sẽ có nhạc cho bạn. Va` bạn vẫn phải vào post option để select HTML On-Auto Linebreak Mode

Chúc bạn may mắn

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 6 2010, 10:29 AM


Trăng Sao Yêu Nhau

Trăng sao yêu nhau anh biết không?
Đâu cần soi bóng vỗ nhịp lòng
Mơ màng duyên thắm màu tình ái
Cho vẹn ước tình đã hoài mong

Chung tình trăng ở bên sao
Dẫu là trên ấy hay vào biển sâu
Tình yêu ôi quá nhiệm màu
Thủy chung.. chung thủy bạc đầu biết không!?

"Sao yêu trăng ở trên trời
em yêu chàng giữa muôn người thế gian"

Wish to see moon and star island in Hawaii

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 6 2010, 09:30 PM

Vết tình còn ở trên môi
Người sao đã vội xa rời tình tôi

Ngày .. tháng.. năm

"I am sorry to tell you this but I don't think I could ever be loyalty to our love. Don't know why but that's the way I feel."

I was speechless for a moment, a moment of silence had brought me to the day you told me a story about you went on the date with another girl while your wife was pregnant and you said you never cheated. You confessed with that girl that you had a pregnant wife and you loved her. Your new relationship had ended. I saw my future, so I did the same thing even if you and her had fallen apart for a year. I was scared of you, of your cruelty, to left your poor wife suffer the loss of your caressness. I ran away from you so many times and wish that you and I will never come back because you brought more sadness than cheerful things. I predict if one is a player, no one can satisfy one's thirst. The desire to conquer grow so deep that one always feel unsatisfy, emptiness, and lonely.. until one worn out and finally want to settle in peace. This negative behavior is the lack of positive motivation, so one is unable to transfer negative energy into something positive. I predict my end will be the same or even worst, but life is to take chance, so why not when you are not the worst. Too bad misfortune is lighted upon myself for I could understand this colorful feeling of life. Too complicated!

I truly wish you all the best, so I can finally rest in peace. Thankyou for thinking of making a difference in our relationship. I know you really try, but life has too much desires for you to choose and of course there are better thing than a silly me.

I hold my tears in class because i can not be too emotional. It was 8:03 pm. I resist to let it out and it burns so bad that I had to walk a way from my co-workers. 8:15 pm, I went to a little corner to take a deep breath and remain calm. I know the storm will come again very soon. I know rains are sprinkling. As the bell rang, I rushed out of the class at 8:30 pm. Thinking about the plan before school started, I wish we can go on a date to celebrate my last day working at this school, the place that had binded us together and now everything has to come to an end. I was thinking of wearing sexiest purple dress. I know you will love the purple color like I do, yet you will hate the low cut on that long dress. You would be so jealous of a little appealing dress. You will want to me to cover up the low cut, so I was thinking to cover my top with a scarf and that will satisfy you. However, my hope always shattered when it comes for you or from you. I hated these facts so much that I don't even want to hear any thing from you, but why do you always doing this to me. Why are you playing with my heart? I begged you to let me go, but again .. and again.. you are so sick! What a sicko! You make me sick!

"I really don't want to hurt you. I really get into you, but I don't want to hurt you."
Such a B.S.! I understand completely how coward you are. You never hurt me when you are being honest to me. I know nothing will last forever, so this fragile hurt feeling will get over soon; however, be supportive and don't regret for what you are asking for. You can't be loyalty to somebody, but expect that someone to be loyalty to you? What a dreamer! If not why are you spreading your contagious diseases? You had turned the women into Bious! Thanks to the sickos like you, life has been always getting better without you! Making too many excuses for everything... darn it.. can't brave enough to admit you are a helpless puppet. Don't pull on my strings or one day I will make you regret for what I had suffered.

I wish I never see or hear from you again.. never.. ever.. you are not just hurting me, but you are killing me.

Love is just a game to you, but it is my soul and my life.

How can you ever feel that way when you are just manipulating things for your own good.

I cannot go against the good! So goodluck to you!

Adieu! Adios mi amor! Farewell my beloved! And may you rest in peace..........................................

Posted by: Đa Tình Jan 6 2010, 11:32 PM

QUOTE(XuLaQueNguoi @ Jan 6 2010, 03:29 PM) *
Wish to see moon and star island in Hawaii

Tấm hình Moon and Star Island...very fascinating đó Xứ... super.gif

Sao mấy bài thơ trên hình của Xứ bị mất mấy từ dậy...? Anh hơi thắc mắc chút nha... tongue.gif

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 6 2010, 11:50 PM

QUOTE(Đa Tình @ Jan 6 2010, 11:32 PM) *
Tấm hình Moon and Star Island...very fascinating đó Xứ... super.gif

Sao mấy bài thơ trên hình của Xứ bị mất mấy từ dậy...? Anh hơi thắc mắc chút nha... tongue.gif

Dạ làm hình vậy để khỏi ai ăn cắp bản quyền của Xứ. tongue.gif hihih.. Nói chơi chứ mụi dùng font ở trong mạng rồi copy vào bài nên có bài có font xài được còn có bài thì không ra hết chữ. Như những bài đó và còn nhiều bài ra chữ hơi lạ đời. Vì không biết nên dùng cái font nào cho đúng nên nó ra vậy đó winh.


Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 7 2010, 12:05 AM

HTT me^'n,

Thử lại một lần nữa xem sao nhen.

HoaTrangTrang vào trang nhạc mà bạn thích, nhìn phía dưới bài hát và chọn "Tự động play" gần đó co' option "link nhac" va` "copy va`o blog".
Bạn hãy copy cái link nhạc ở option "copy vào blog" vào blog ở pleiku.
Sau đó nhìn phía dưới blog ở trong Pleiku ở phần "Post Options", bạn bấm vào mũi tên phần "HTML Off" va`chon
"HTML On - Auto Linebreak Mode"
Sau đó gởi bài đi sẽ có nhạc đi kèm với bài bạn viết.

Chúc bạn may mắn! Lần này mà làm không được thì phải nhờ anh chị nào trong ban kỷ thuật giúp chứ Xứ đành bó chân. :)

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 7 2010, 11:32 PM

Sis đừng copy "link nhạc"

Mà sis nên copy phần "copy vào blog"
<object width="300" height="270"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashvars" value="&autostart=true" /><embed src="" quality="high" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="&autostart=true" width="300" height="270"></embed></object>

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 7 2010, 11:45 PM

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 13 2010, 11:51 PM

love is like a religion
once you made me believe
once I had faith in you
I lean on you throught the dark
I bow to you over the mountain
I follow you to the sea
Until the darkness had fallen down on me

I don't want to be a slave
I wish love can take me to the sea
I don't want to be a prisioner
Only the walls are covering around me
I simply need your love
Make me believe you will be with me
I can't make any promises
When you told me the religion is a b.s.

I had lost my religion.. my faith.. my believe .. my love.. my happiness..

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 13 2010, 11:59 PM

I know you don't care for me
I cut out the fruit I had for you to see
Every page is the love that I wish to share
But why bother keeping the thing you no longer care

I read every page of love
I read every page of pain
I read every minutes that could remain
The love will soon be fold

So many parts of my heart turn into snow
Why did you freeze every part of my heart?
Why did you throw it in the cold?
Don't understand what I must know..

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 14 2010, 10:23 PM

My Dear Sweetheart,

If your love is not meant for me, why blaming me for what you had given up. I don't want to hold these memories any longer so I cut every pages out. I want to throw everything away, but after reading our journey over and over again, I decided to keep the structure of it. If the feeling is no longer true, I have to burry you somehow so you won't disturbing my healthy life. Don't cry for me which you never show.. you are too macho.. can't never be weak.. You can let go once, possibly you will let go another one so easily. I will be gone like the thin air. It will be good this way because I at least can breath some fresh air in the dessert that is waiting for me. Unlike the strokes you gave when you tear my heart apart. I am very selfish.. as I have said.. I want you all or nothing at all. I don't need charity or selfishness or oneday my child will ask "where is daddy?" I don't want to tell them, "Daddy is being with another lady." It is very bitter to think of it. I don't want you throw me some money and be gone. I rather kill your feelings in me. I don't want to be a pretender.. I don't want to split my personality to accept your charity. At least I can be truth to myself and can look up to be proud of the things that I can do.

Farewell my love!

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 15 2010, 08:45 AM

Chúc mừng sis đã làm nhạc thành công và cảm ơn bản nhạc của sis. Đó có phải là tâm trạng của sis không? Sis là Châu Pha chờ anh lính trận phải không? Hihih Chúc vui!

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Jan 15 2010, 08:45 AM


Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Feb 13 2010, 09:30 AM


Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Feb 13 2010, 09:31 AM

Listen to the music make me think of you again. I question, "Why can't the masterpeice comes from you? Why can you be my masterpiece forever? Why can you be my Valentine?" But I guess I asked too much of you for one little thing that all lovers would need. If there is no coexistent, there are only lonely shadows on different directions.
I almost forgot you.. I tried so hard.. but again your love potion is attacking me, heartache. I know if I am here, this symptom will come back and get me again.. May you rest in peace... _/\_

Posted by: XuLaQueNguoi Feb 13 2010, 09:55 AM

Life is so beautiful because everything happens for a reason(s) or a cause(s). I have my own moment, and I am glad and hope you are not the one pulling the trigger to shoot at me. I feel my soul is being violated, and it has become argressive, so I knew it must be time to let you go. I hope everything would have turned into ashes and wait for the rain to wash away, but you came back and forth expecting a show to run on when you need. The show is no longer play when the tape keeps screetching its own's melody.. I know oneday it will be end, so I played my roles until it ... no longer needed.. Looking back at the old time, the old theater, I wept like rain smears on the window for no reason.. It could be that I am just being too emotional, or paying some griefs or sympathy to the old disasters..